Thursday, October 31, 2019
Big Bang Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Big Bang Theory - Research Paper Example This study analyzes the reality of the Big Bang Theory, all the while exploring the thoughts and ideas of members of society. Like religion, believing in the scientific definition of our origin requires an element of faith. While many may be willing to put their faith in the existence of God, other are unwilling to place their trust in science that cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The reality is that we do not exactly what happened to turn the nothingness that existed before our universe into the vast expanse of galaxies that we know today. This paper, however, seeks to make sense of the big questions and move people towards a deeper understanding of the reality and complexities of the universe. Keywords: Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, NASA, Leonard Mlodinow, Hubble Telescope, Age of the Universe, Particle Expansion, Albert Einstein, Mass Acceleration, God Particle, Large Hadron Collider (LHC) The Big Bang Theory, Scienceââ¬â¢s God Particle Introduction/Literature Review D o you ever look into the sky, whether it is day or night, and wonder where it all started? Maybe you wonder where we came from, or how everything that we know today came about. People from all walks of life ask these questions; although how one is raised play a big part in what one is willing to accept as reality. This paper aims to explain the Big Bang Theory and how it scientifically ties into the birth of the universe. The Big Bang Theory is just one of many ideas formed in an effort to explain the process by which the universe was created. The theory is more than just conjecture, however, as it is based on scientific reasoning that has evolved through the years. Recent discoveries in the areas of astronomy and physics point to the reality that our universe did has some type of beginning, and the Big Bang Theory is an educated effort to explain the beginning and offer new insight as to our origins. Humans have long been fascinated with the universe, but few answers really existed as to how it all started. To be certain, there have been many conjectures made over the years, some based on science and others on religion, but the lingering question still existed. If there was nothing prior to the creation of the universe, there must have been a precipitating event that set off a chain reaction that formed the universe, as we know it today. While it can be argued that nobody can know for certain how the universe was created, the Big Bang Theory does seem to indicate, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there was a certain process by which this occurred. To begin a review of the Big Bang Theory, one should start at the beginning. The most commonly held belief amongst physicists is that the universe came into being about 13.7 billion years ago (Kargh, 1996). This figure takes into account the creation of the universe beginning as ââ¬Å"singularityâ⬠. While scientists admit that they truly do not understand how this happens, singularity is attached to the term to describe an event that defies our current ability to understand certain aspects of physics. Interestingly enough, it is this fact that gives credence to the other popular theory of creation, which forms the basis for this study to follow. Singularities can be likened to black holes. Such holes are areas in the university that
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Explorer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Explorer - Essay Example Little did we know that this peculiar personality of his could be a problem solver and even a life-saver. This happened when we went hiking. We used to do an overnight hiking and do camp outs in the forest. We already know the routine of what to bring during a camping. The tent, blankets, insect repeller, even first aid kit were almost always ready for us to bring as a logistical support. For food, we bring ready to open canned goods because of its convenience. Except this once instance where one of my brilliant cousin did the grocery and chose to buy canned goods which does not have the automatic opener (the protruding level like thing that we just have to pull to open the can). Now we are the camping site, miles away from home and in a middle of a night, starving and we are presented with a problem: how can we eat our canned goods when there is no opener. No one also brought a can opener because we are used to the idea that canned goods has its own opener. It was a problem solving situation. Our uncle threw the problem to us for us to find a solution. The solutions that were presented ranged from anecdotal to ridiculous to irritating. A cousin proposed that we skip the dinner for the night as a means to fast. I was hungry and so are other cousins so nobody agreed with his idea. Another bright idea from a cousin who could put us all in danger was putting the canned goods in fire hoping that the heat inside will open the can itself. We are worried however that it might explode or we might just render the food inedible by setting the can on fire. Another idea that was suggested was to smash the can so that it will open. For sure it will open only that we also cannot eat its contents. Until Jim made his typical smirk which we already know he is into something. He brought out his fork and put it on the lid of the canned good (it was spam, I think). Then Mark get it, he immediately jump out of seat and used
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Why Governments Regulate The Health Care Industry Economics Essay
Why Governments Regulate The Health Care Industry Economics Essay In the first part of the essay we define market failure and look at the model of perfect market, we then compare this with health care market and find out the causes or factors that results in failure in the health care market. In the second part we will look at the ways governments in four different countries have intervened to ensure that the causes of the market failure are corrected. Market failure can defined as a situation whereby there is a failure to achieve an efficient allocation of resources within the market economy. A fundamental problem with the concept of market failure, as economists occasionally recognize, is that it describes a situation that exists everywhere (Nelson, 1987; Dahlman, 1979). There are different kinds of market that exist in the society with the perfect market and monopoly at the extremes and the others in between this spectrum. Perfect Market The perfect market model also referred to as a perfect competition is the most important model because it serves a benchmark from which other kinds of market can be viewed. The main objective of any firm in the market is to maximise profit and the price of the goods and services are determined by market forces. The perfect market is based on the following assumptions; There is full information, The transactions are impersonal, There are no barriers to entry or exit, There are many buyer and sellers, and they cannot influence the market price, The products are homogenous which means that the buyers cannot differentiate between products. Finally the goods are private goods. Why is health care market different? The first reason for this is that health care is a public good which is different from a private good as seen in the perfect market model, public good has two features, non-rivalrous which means that the use of it by one person does not stop another from benefitting from it, and it is non-excludable this means it will difficult to prevent people from enjoying the benefits. With public good there is what is known as a free-rider problem people will not pay for them because others are willing to pay for them. The nature of public goods poses a problem for the market because the private sector will not make a profit from their provision since everyone can enjoy it whether they pay or not. Health care is also a public good and under provision of it also leads to market failure. Health care is also a merit good that society values and believes that people should have them because consumption is believed to generate positive externalities-this will be discussed in the next paragraph as we ll as other causes of market failure. Causes of market failure in health care 1. Externalities Externalities also referred to as third-party effects occur when others are affected by the transaction arising from the production and consumption of health care for which the costs or benefits are not taken into account.The core of the argument against market failure analysis is derived from the study of transactions. (Zerbe et al p7).Whenever there is a transaction externalities are known to occur which leads to transaction costs. This is defined as the resources necessary to transfer, establish and maintain property rights. The property rights was developed by R H Coase where he stated that individuals form firms to reduce transaction costs. Externalities may arise in different ways and they may be either positive (beneficial) or negative (harmful), and can be during production or consumption. Examples of negative externality is smoking which results in external costs on a third party passive smoking and also alcohol ingestion can lead to antisocial behaviour. Vaccination agains t infectious diseases is a form of positive externality where an individual is certain of protection by the consumption of another person. An example of external cost of production is via pollution from an industry and external benefits of production is the patent rights given to firm that discovered a new drug, stopping all other firms from copying the products. When there are externalities in health care this will not lead to a perfect market hence market failure will occur. The externalities discussed so far can be referred to as selfishly motivated. There is externality referred to as caring externality which occurs when individuals get personal satisfaction from knowing that a person is getting the health care they need. Externalities are around us every day but they are not taken into account whenever there is a transaction, this is because property rights are not well defined. Health care is not owned by anyone so therefore there is economic incentive to protect it and the on ly way the property rights can be well defined and protected will be through government regulation e.g. by banning smoking in public places and also making vaccinations compulsory. Even with government legislation it is difficult to achieve this. (Zerbe,1976,1980;Medema and Zerbe,1999a),in a world in which property rights are fully specified and in which transaction costs are zero, the allocation of resources will be efficient. This kind of world does not exist, this is an indication that market failure will always occur. 2. Imperfect information Economics is concerned with the efficient use of limited productive resources for the purpose of attaining the maximum satisfaction of our material wants (Jackson and McConnell, 1985, p3), this involves transacting parties utilising these resources to meet and satisfy their wants. This is based on the assumption that the parties have full information about the goods and services being bought or sold and also about each other. These assumptions describe a market where there is perfect information (Stiglitz, 1993).In the health care there is imperfect information and/or information asymmetry. Information asymmetry can be defined (using the acquisition of health insurance as a classical example) as situation whereby client that wants to get a health insurance has more detailed information about himself than the insurance company. Imperfect information is the case of a physician who has more knowledge than patients. The uncertainty of illness and the cost of it when it arises is one the principal reasons for taking health insurance. Two problems arise whenever there is insurance cover; these are adverse selection and moral hazard. Information asymmetry and adverse selection was first described by George Akerlof in his article, The market for lemons: Quality, Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. Adverse selection is often referred to as a hidden information problem in a market, where for example sellers may know more about a product than a customer. (Estrin and Laidler). During the 1980s, when HIV/AIDS was first discovered insurance companies suffered from adverse selection as a lot on individuals with this disease took increased insurance cover without disclosing their status. This led to the suggestion that genetic testing should be used for individuals who may wish to acquire health insurance.The concept moral hazard was first defined by the French economist Dreze in 1961 (Mooney 1994, p 135), but it is often described as a hidden action because it results in be havioural changes in patients once their expected losses are covered by health insurance. Ehrlich and Becker (1972) distinguished between ex ante and ex post moral hazard. The former occur in a healthy state when individuals can engage in preventive care such as regular exercises and good eating habits and the latter when the individual is ill, but since the health be it taxation or other forms of health insurance which allows a subsidise price or free at the point of use, there is a greater demand by the patient than it will be if the patient was to pay all the costs. Donaldson and Gerard (1993, p 31), comments,thus, the market fails to transmit efficient price signals to consumers. Donaldson and Gerrard (1993) identified two types of provider moral hazard. They identify moral hazard by doctors who are identifiable actors in the health care system and also moral hazard by hospitals. Doctors are known to act on behalf of the patients both as the demander and supplier of services and do not account for the cost. First on the supply side they are the provider of health care and on the demand side there is information asymmetry. There are different reimbursement which affects doctors attitudes and two that affects the patients attitudes ( charges to patients, private practice).Provider moral hazard occurs most commonly with the fee-for-service (FFS) reimbursement doctors are paid on the quantity of services; more services will result in a higher income. Therefore there is a financial incentive for physicians to provide care in excess of what the patients may require if they had full information. There is not much literature on hospital moral hazard so this can be a n area for future development. 3. Imperfect competition The perfect market provide the best means of making sure that the economy is efficient by encouraging firms to compete and also creating choice. These conditions for efficiency serve as a benchmark to help identify sources of allocative inefficiency referred to as market failures. But in the real world the perfect market does not exist as Hausman argued, when taken literally, the notion of market failure is of little relevance, because perfectly competitive equilibrium, the benchmark against which market fail, does not obtain. Despite this the competitive market have been used on the assumptions on which it was formed, as Amelia Fletcher, Director of Markets and Policies Initiatives commented, Competition is a rivalrous process, in which firms compete effectively to give the consumers a better deal. The question is that is this obtainable in health care with the uncertainty that surrounds ill health? The first problem here is the limited information has about the outcomes and benefit s of various medical treatments. Individuals rarely have the same illness over time so there is little opportunity to acquire information and even on those with long standing chronic illness like diabetes who may have information. The changing world of advanced technologies means that there will be information disparities. Oligopoly is the dominant market model in health care and McPake and Normand (2008, p 141) noted, the key feature of an oligopoly is that the decision made by one firm depends on the decision made by other firms, i.e. there is a high degree of interdependence between firms. Thus there may be incentives for hospitals to collude which results in adverse outcomes for the society. It is generally accepted that competition works best when there is excess capacity, but in health care there is excess demand. 4. Inequality and poverty An individual ability to purchase health care depends upon his income to a large extent. In standard economic theory its the ability and willingness to pay that determines how resources are maximally utilised but this does not happen in the real world as we have noted from previous sections in this essay. Goodwin (2005) commented that, hospitals make demand and other raw materials from suppliers with the expectation that the final products will be bought by consumers-the demand by consumers are those backed by the consumers ability to pay. So what is important in a perfect market is effective demand i.e., there is distribution of resources to meet the basic human needs. Therefore if for example few wealthy people desire a particular commodity and many poor people lack money to purchase basic health needs then the market will be stimulated to create those commodities for the rich, hence the market will fail. Government intervention and regulation of health care market From our discussion it can be seen that intervention is necessary to counteract the causes of market failure as well as the consequences such as adverse selection and moral hazard. Boadway and Wildasin (1984, p 61) suggest that, while typically the remedy for market failure due to public goods is for the public sector to provide the good, the remedy for externalities is often to provide incentives to the private sector to produce the correct amount. We will examined detailed evidence from four countries: the United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America (USA),France and Finland to ascertain how they intervene and regulate their health care systems. Methods of government intervention 1. State provision One of the main ways of solving market failure is through public funding of the health service. In the UK, France and Finland hospitals are funded through taxes but in UK it is through general taxation while France and Finland use a social insurance system. This system ensures universal coverage for the population, prevents exploitation of patients by monopoly of providers. The main problem is the issue moral hazard which is more common in publicly tax funded system in UK than the social insurance system of Finland and France. In the UK the issue of moral hazard is controlled by using gatekeepers, waiting lists, waiting times. In France and Finland price mechanism is used to deter moral hazard. Compared to the USA where it is more of private insurance, co-payments, deductibles and medical savings account schemes have been used as ways of reducing moral hazard. Donaldson and Gerard (1993, p 72) argued that, even the US health care system recognises the shortcomings of a total reliance upon market forces. The main form of government regulation there is in the form of insurance schemes for elderly people (Medicare) and indigent people (Medicaid). But in the USA, adverse selection is very common and it also occurs in UK but to a lesser extent, but this is almost non-existent in the social insurance system (France and Finland). 2. Taxation and subsidies Imperfections in the market lead to inefficient allocation of resources and this leads to negative or positive externalities. Taxation is used to discourage certain behaviours like monopolising and overpricing and subsidies can help to reduce the cost of paying for merit goods like health care. Governments in all four countries for example in order to reduce the negative externalities caused by smoking introduced taxes for the purchase for cigarettes and also legislate that companies should advertise the dangers of smoking on the pack of cigarettes sold.Antirust legislation are passed in all four countries e.g. law prohibiting the formation of monopolies and preventing imperfect competition. 3. Regulation Dolan and Olsen (2002), commented that there is constant pressure for more spending in most health services around the world, therefore policy makers have to impose regulatory measures on the providers of services to achieve efficient allocation of the resources. Regulation can be through price control, quality control e.t.c. Regulation of pharmaceuticals is one area where most of government intervention occur, for example in the UK, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence(NICE) issues guidelines on which drugs are approved and can also be used. Also sets a ceiling on how much the cost should be but one main disadvantage is that it can exclude the use of new and effective treatment because of the costs. In USA there is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which also a regulatory body. In France there is the Agence Francaise de Securite Sanitaire des Produits de Sante (AFSSAPS), and in Finland the National Agency for Medicines. 4. Cost benefit analysis Government intervention must take into account the cost benefit analysis, if the benefits are more than the costs. Then the government should collect taxes and provide the good. Government failure Government failure can occur when mechanisms put in place to improve the market failure worsens the situation and lead to inefficiency and inequity in the health care and also create distortion. The following can result in government failure; 1. Inefficiency of State provision In all four countries political self interest can lead to inefficiency and worsen the market failure already present because politicians can design policies to retain power rather than maximise efficiency. In France and Finland the taxation is usually higher and results in more expenditure and in the UK the citizens do not know how much is been used for health care and other sectors of the economy. 2. Changes in government policies In the USA insurance firms can find it difficult to plan without knowledge of taxes, subsidies e.t.c and this will lead to inefficiency. 3.Free markets usually leads to more efficient provision of health care(USA as an example) which allows the law of demand and supply to determine how the market works 4. Lack of incentives Undesirable incentives usually create inefficiencies, for example in France where doctors are paid by salary in some hospitals this will lead to inefficiency. 5. Lack of information Government can lack information just as much as the market because most times the government do not know what kind of health care the consumer really needs and provides this based on the information they have and may not even know the full costs/benefits of the policy. 6. Bureaucracy Most times procedures of the government are usually cumbersome and this cuts across all the four countries. Governments respond more slowly to changes and also the time it takes from planning to implementation may cause policies to be ineffective. Conclusion Market failure is known to exist in all market economy and the health market is not an exception. It has been shown that there reasons why health care market may not work efficiently, thereby necessitating government intervention. Health care is a public good and coupled with the externalities and information gaps are causes of market failure which requires correction but a sufficient justification for government intervention. Intervention is known to be costly, so therefore for it to be effective a cost-benefit analysis to suggest it is worthwhile needs to undertaken to avoid government failure which lead to market failure in itself.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Psychological Problem Associated with Cerebral Palsy :: Health, Medical Research, Stress, Depression
Psychological Problems Associated with Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy is a condition that limits physical abilities. This disability affects about one child in every five hundred children (Micheksen 405). Cerebral Palsy is mostly known to affect children by severe motor impairment, however; this disorder can affect a person in a psychological way too. A cross-sectional European Study was done by a group of eleven people focusing on the psychological impact of children with cerebral palsy (Michelsen 406) Eight hundred and eighteen children between the ages of eight and twelve were involved. The main goal of the ââ¬Å"SPARCLEâ⬠study was to investigate if cerebral palsy relates to psychological and behavioral problems. A strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) was used as one way to detect emotional and behavioral abnormalities (Michelsen 406). Along with an Impact Score (IS) that was based on questions completed by family members answering a total of twenty-five questions. The total from the Impact Score was then computed to determine if the childââ¬â¢s behavior was abnormal or not (Michelsen 406). The results of the SDF showed that more than twenty-five percent of children participating showed abnormal results (Michelsen 410). It also showed that children with milder cerebral palsy had higher behavioral difficulties in comparison to children with more severe cases. The reason being that severe cerebral palsy prevents certain behaviors, such as fighting or cheating (Michelsen 410). The parental impact score survey showed that almost half of all participants agreed that their child suffered difficulties. When asked how often the family was affected by the childââ¬â¢s cerebral palsy forty-two percent answered, ââ¬Å"Quite a lotâ⬠(Michelsen 409). Another forty percent of parents believe their child struggles with behavior and communication skills among children their age in school (Michelsen 410). The findings from the SDQ and SI tests determined that a significant number of children with cerebral palsy suffer abnormal behaviors. This study indicates that children with cerebral palsy suffer from psychological and behavior problems when trying to communicate mostly with family and peers. Based on a research done in the Netherlands self-perception, and over-all satisfaction was tested for relevance to psychological problems due to cerebral palsy. One hundred and ten children whose age were nine, eleven, and thirteen took place in this study (Schuengel 1252) Once again the children with cerebral palsy took self-assessment surveys that included subjects such as, physical performance, appearance, and if they were satisfied with their overall abilities (Schuengel 1253).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Biblical Counseling
In the field of counselling, the primary considerations that those in the field who are practicing directly or indirectly have something to do with the previously held belief system, or the worldview or philosophy behind the notion of human behaviour. This goes to say that one who ventures into the business of healing and curing emotions and psychological problems must get into a thorough understanding of his/her personal approach to the study of human behaviour.The counselor seeks to explain human nature, the issue of sin or prbably emphasizing or reducing the Scriptural mandate and Godââ¬â¢s verdict (whichever side he/she is on), and which eventually dictates intervention strategies, if any. The basic counselling idea common to or held by most psychologists increases the likelihood that the biblical understanding can be very challenging to get into, much less, practice. It is even bold as to say that counselling in whatever front is basically ââ¬Å"religiousâ⬠in nature be cause in the end, what is upheld or emphasized by the counselor expresses deep-rooted philosophy or religious beliefs.The paperââ¬â¢s assumption then is to provide an impetus that ââ¬Å"sellsâ⬠biblical counselling as superior, efficacious, and more attractive than the psychology models touted today. It tackles the presuppositions of both psychology and biblical counselling and the arguments in each of the specific aspects that are recognizable as valid or invalid. Discussion Counseling in the field of psychology and biblical counselling At best, psychology prefers to integrate counselling from biblical perspective as well as blend these with what is categorized as empirically tested techniques posited by psychologists.The basic way of doing the ââ¬Å"amalgamationâ⬠or integration is that the Christian worldview takes precedence over the rest of the approaches. Although many of the concepts and premises of each theory mentioned are sound and at times efficacious, when it clashes with the faith-based theory, the former must give way to the latter. Interpreting a problem that a client suffers for instance, entails that the theoretical viewpoint that a practitioner is convinced with, expressly has better chances of properly understanding the maladjustments that the client had been suffering.To come up with the balanced worldview (an integration in other words), the balance between the realms mentioned, including the true frame of human individuals and the true nature of God (or theology) are properly considered. Thoroughly accepting the fact that there is no contest between the natural and the spiritual; only that troubles arise when one realm is overemphasized at the expense of another. This thin line or slight tension between the two levels is best expressed in the personhood of Jesus Christ, who was a perfect man as well as God.If a person starts to equate one self and others with that notion (which is usually happening) and he/she starts to thi nk that he/she is balanced, then this person surely lacks understanding or real self-awareness of the fact that he/she is deeply and seriously out of balance and this is one reason why he/she needs help. Christian counseling admittedly embraces in reality, a basic integration of the biblical precepts on the view of man and psychologyââ¬â¢s scientific breakthroughs in addressing the dilemmas that beset human individuals.Depending on the persuasion of the practitioner, especially whether he or she comes from either the purely theological or ââ¬Å"secularâ⬠preparation, Christian counseling can either lean to certain degrees of theology or psychology. According to Larry Crabb, ââ¬Å"If psychology offers insights which will sharpen our counseling skills and increase our effectiveness, we want to know them. If all problems are at core spiritual matters we donââ¬â¢t want to neglect the critically necessary resources available through the Lord by a wrong emphasis on psychologi cal theoryâ⬠(Crabb in Anderson et al, 2000).Dr. Crabbââ¬â¢s position certainly ensures that science in particular, has its place in counseling in as much as theology does. He made sure that all means are addressed as the counselor approaches his profession, especially in the actual conduction of both the diagnostic and therapeutic or intervention phases (Crabb in Anderson et al. , 2000). Trauma inducing and crisis triggering situations have spiraled its occurrence and in its primacy in the US and in many other countries in recent years.Its broad spectrum ranges from the national disaster category such as that of Hurricane Katrina or the 911 terrorist strikes in New York, Spain and England, to private instances such as a loved oneââ¬â¢s attempt at suicide, the murder of a spouse or child, the beginning of mental illness, and the worsening situation of domestic violence (Teller et al, 2006). The acute crisis episode is a consequence of people who experience life-threatenin g events and feel overwhelmed with difficulty resolving the inner conflicts or anxiety that threaten their lives.They seek the help of counselors, paramedics and other health workers in crisis intervention centers to tide them over the acute episodes they are encountering. These are defining moments for people and must be adequately addressed else they lead lives with dysfunctional conduct patterns or disorders (Roberts et al, 2006). In the integrated or eclectic approach the goal of the therapy is not just relief to the patient or client. Although an immediate relief is very helpful, this may not always be the case in most illnesses.The goal as mentioned in the preceding pages is to provide long-term reduction of the symptoms and the occurrence of the disease altogether if possible. The management then is not impossible but neither is this easy. Specifically, the counselee or patient must want to heal or believe that there is going to be curative effects in the process. It presuppo ses that he/she must learn to trust the therapist in his/her capabilities as well in leading or facilitating the changes or modifications.It is very much essential that (in the perspective of a cognitive-behaviorist) that the client understands ownership to the deeds and choices in thought patterns he/she made are crucial to the recurring or occurring condition that s/he experiences (Rubinstein et al. , 2007; Corey, 2004). Basic Biblical Counseling Premises: â⬠¢ View of human nature from psychological viewpoint Personality is more than poise, charm, or physical appearance. It includes habits, attitudes, and all the physical, emotional, social, religious and moral aspects that a person possesses.However, to be more precise, the explicit behavioral styles, perhaps, best captivate an individualââ¬â¢s personality and how he/she is understood. With the different behavioral styles, an overall pattern of various characteristics is seen. Like a ââ¬Å"psychograph,â⬠a personâ⠬â¢s profile is pulled together and at a glance, the individual can be compared with other people in terms of relative strengths and weaknesses (Corey 2005). Psychologists recognize there is often a fine line between mental health and mental illness. For them, it is important to understand that mental illnesses vary in their severity.For example, many adolescents suffered from various levels of anxiety or depression. Others have suffered from serious mental disorders with biological origins. Education about the adolescents` mental illness is vital for those with mental health problems as well as for the adolescents` friends and family (Corey 2005). The major force or forces responsible for the origin and development of an individualââ¬â¢s personality is best understood in the different perspectives. In the cognitive approach alone, it understands that an individual at varying times in his life has error-filled thinking patterns.These patterns may include wishful thinking, unreal istic expectations, constant reliving and living in the past or even beyond the present and into the future, and overgeneralizing. These habits lead to confusion, frustration and eventual constant disappointment. This therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and positive worldview: a viewpoint that takes into consideration that we are problem-solvers, have options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think.It also looks into the fact that because we do have options then there are many things that await someone who have had bad choices in the past, and therefore can look positively into the future. Cognitive-Behavioral approach ââ¬Å"facilitates a collaborative relationship between the patient and therapistâ⬠(Ellis & Beck in Corey, 2004). For the Cognitive Behaviorist viewpoint, issues are dealt directly in a practical way. Here the client is enlightened as to the patterns of his thinking and the errors of these thou ghts which bore fruit in his attitudes and behavior.His/her thoughts and beliefs have connections on his/her behavior and must therefore be ââ¬Å"reorganized. â⬠For instance, the ways that a client looks at an issue of his/her life will direct the path of his reactivity to the issue. When corrected at this level, the behavior follows automatically (Rubinstein et al. , 2007; Corey, 2004). The systems theory portion of the therapy indicates that whatever is occurring or happening is not isolated but is a working part of a bigger context.In the family systems approach then, no individual person can be understood when removed from his relationships whether in the present or past, and this is specially focused on the family he belongs to (Rubinstein et al. , 2007; Corey, 2004). The Existential approach, as put forward by Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, Rollo May, and Frankl, believes that the individualââ¬â¢s potential may lie dormant but that it is there waiting to be ushered in time.It recognizes that man is able to achieve great heights and that these are just waiting to be tapped not only by him/herself but that also when helped by a practitioner who is persuaded of this notion. It examines such major issues as free will and the challenges of exercising this free will, the issue of mortality, loneliness and in general, the meaning of life. That Cognitive-Behavioral, Existential, humanistic & Family Systems eclectic approach primarily involves the incorporation of distinct concepts within a single framework. â⬠¢ Human Suffering I. Origin of SufferingSuffering is one of the symptoms of this lifeââ¬â¢s abnormality. If not for the revelation found in the Bible, there would be no other option but to accept the state of affairs in life as it is. This means that since suffering has been a part of the history of humanity, it has to be accepted as part and parcel of a normal life. However, looking at it in a biblical perspective, although suf fering is part of the human existence in this world, the fact of the matter is: it has not always been a part of life. It came into the picture only after the fall of the first couple ââ¬â Adam and Eve.The Bible is clear about this, as stated in Romans 5:12 and in many other passages found in the Holy Writ. This biblical truth is important, foundational, and essential in dealing with many questions regarding suffering ââ¬â and in particular, as philanthropists and charitable organizations endeavor to alleviate suffering on the children of Africa. Presently, the bleak outlook being presented pertaining to African children today are presented in two potentially devastating outcomes which might happen as results of the already destructive current crisis. The first one is the prospect (according to researchers) of death by the millions.An organization which aims to help the suffering children of Africa has estimated that by the year 2025, an estimated number of people as enormou s as 85 million may die because HIV/AIDS crisis (Blake, 2006). Second is, the inevitable outcome which will take place as the direct result of the first ââ¬â children being orphaned because of the projected genocidal death toll at 2025. The same organization calculated that on that same year, 55 million children might have been orphans already. Nations and governments and charitable organizations have been mobilized ever since to help these human disasters and all of the possible ramifications.Although, evil as it manifests in many forms in life has been here already for centuries, and perhaps, as early as recorded histories could recall, the current crisis of AIDS in African continent is the most recent form of lashing. It has to be noted, lest the focus gets sidetracked to different issues which are at best symptoms of the real disease, that all of the troubles that have been pestering the existence of man on this planet are just necessary effects of sin and rebellion against God.It is to be noted though that it is never the intention of this paper to aggravate the sufferings of African people by putting the blame on them or by making them feel worse than what they are now. As was stated early on, at the heart of this thesis is the objective to help by elucidating on the true predicament of manââ¬â¢s existence by pointing out that which is biblical, or the biblical diagnosis on things. It really helps and better prepares the sick person to face his/her true condition by first properly diagnosing the illness.It doesnââ¬â¢t help if the mind continues to be in a state of uncertainty and fear because it is sure of something which could be fatal. Also, it will not help keeping the real problem under the sheets, all along hoping that it will just leave by itself, because it will not. And so, the Bible is crucially significant in addressing the issue of evil and suffering. 1. ) Death Came As A Result Of Sin. Nothing threatens the prospect of a good life t han the possibility of an imminent death.A positive vista of life ââ¬â happy family, burgeoning business, and flourishing career ââ¬â is easily clouded by fear when suddenly something final as death comes into the scene. Death is seen as the ultimate because it can put a period on the otherwise happy and full of promise subsistence. One theologian explained the statement of Apostle Paul in Romans 5:12 in a way that points to sin as the real culprit why there are pain, sickness, and weakness in manââ¬â¢s physical body. He said, in effect that, had it not been for Adamââ¬â¢s sin there would be no sickness in the world in the first place.Remember that death is the maturity of weakness and sickness in the body. All illnesses lead to eventual death. What the Bible is telling us about sickness, weakness, and any form of suffering endured in the body ââ¬â whether mental or physical suffering ââ¬â result inevitably to physical death. And the reality of death in this li fe was occasioned by the original sin of the first couple, Adam and Eve. Succeeding, generations after the first couple of humans, inherited sin as well as its product ââ¬â death (Duffield and Van Cleave, 1987). It is also important to note that sin not only occasioned death, but it is its necessary outcome.The unanimous observation of many students of the Bible based on the narrative accounts as well as how it is described in certain passages of biblical books is that death is spiritual as also it is physical. The first time it hits humans, the first and immediate effect was spiritual in that it did not resulted in the first coupleââ¬â¢s physical death. This spiritual death is actually more devastating than physical death because it altered everything within the human frame that it has set into motion a strong pull towards wrong directions.First, it separated man from God. It is the reason why man cannot respond to the things of God. As a dead body has no capacity for any re sponses to its surrounding whatsoever because it is dead, so is a man who is physically alive but is spiritually dead. A person who is spiritually dead does not and cannot respond to God and the things of God. As one preacher said when told by a cynic among his audience that he doesnââ¬â¢t feel the burden of sin in his life like what the preacher was trying to convey in his message.To that, the preacher wisely answered, ââ¬Å"As a dead couldnââ¬â¢t feel a ton of garbage when placed on that body, so is the burden of sin to a spiritually dead person. â⬠Thatââ¬â¢s why when Apostle Paul elaborated to the Romans the depravity of man, he zoomed in to the fact that at present, because humanity has chosen to abandon God ââ¬â and the proof of it has affected all aspects of the human existence ââ¬â God also had to leave humanity alone in its decision to leave the reality of God out of its thoughts and actions. The whole scenario is sobering especially when the Biblical perspective on this is considered.Itââ¬â¢s very easy and normal to leave God out of the picture, and itââ¬â¢s actually what people want essentially as it is looked at face value. Man has effectively abandoned God and has erased any traces of Him from the very start ââ¬â from the birth of a baby in a home where belief in God is optional at best, and as that baby developed into childhood, and as that child was reared in school (if opportunities for schooling was ever available, primary to college education), and eventually released to live life independently as an adult in a society whose culture ever since was godless.And the cycle goes on and on like a permanent process. Now, again, as pointed out early in this paper, all of these not so promising state of affairs can be tracked down back to Eden where life turned into a sudden shift (McArthur, 2008). Where there is spiritual death, the prospect of life is anything but imperfect and flawed everywhere. The original order o f things has been altered, and itââ¬â¢s not human species alone that has been terribly affected by the Fall; the whole creation has been ââ¬Å"groaningâ⬠ever since (Rom. 8:22). 2.) Manââ¬â¢s Separation From God Precipitated Suffering. The first manifestations of humanityââ¬â¢s misery were quickly evident right after Adam and Eve violated Godââ¬â¢s word to them. They, right then and there, realized their nakedness which before was not a cause of shame for them. What previously for them was just normal, and did not pose a problem, now they have trouble keeping it the way it was. They must cover their nakedness, and they must hide and keep themselves at a distance ââ¬â where they feel somehow hidden ââ¬â from God (Gen. 3:7-9).The fact that society disregards the reality of God in its system highlights the reality of spiritual separation. The cause for many of the troubles that history has witnessed since time immemorial was manââ¬â¢s broken relationship wi th its Creator. It has been the reason from the start, and it still is until now. God spoke through Prophet Isaiah, that it was manââ¬â¢s sin which has actually separated man from God (Isa. 59:2). Left alone, man naturally would not choose God, much less, His righteous ways as revealed by Him in the Bible.Contrary to what have been suggested by many considered pundits of humanities, and sadly, by many church denominations through what has been now known as the ââ¬Å"seeker-sensitiveâ⬠approach in churchââ¬â¢s services, man is not naturally inclined to seek God and the things of the Spirit of God. And so, under this cursed condition, it is not supposed to surprise anybody who have searched and found in the Holy Scriptures that the world is in its current troubled state. Thereââ¬â¢s actually spiritual anarchy where every one is a rule unto himself. Every one does what he/she deems good in his/her perception of things.If it feels good, then probably, it is good. This is how man is running his life, and it translates into the overall landscape of society. Man sets the trend. What had been considered ââ¬Å"wickedâ⬠of the past generation, if it is now palatable to the senses, and hence, has been slowly swallowed and embraced as ââ¬Å"acceptableâ⬠by the media and the general public, it becomes legal and normatively harmless. Therefore, in Paulââ¬â¢s words, God in turn has abandoned man in his choice of abandoning the knowledge of his Creator. This is, to a large degree, the reason for many troubles and sufferings that nations and people have been seeing.If the Bible is true ââ¬â and it is this paperââ¬â¢s contention that it is the true truth ââ¬â then the unrestrained freedom and lifestyles which seem to describe the earthââ¬â¢s populace for a long period of time now, is actually a judgment of God. A preacher once answered those who cast all the blame on God in the wake of 911 tragedy in these words: ââ¬Å"We have done a ll we could, and effectively, we got God out of our schools and government institutions, and now we are asking where He is in all of these? â⬠The application of Scripture to human dilemma and the likeThe portion of Scripture where Jesus ââ¬Å"You have heard that it was said to those of old,â⬠making it appear that his statements seem to abrogate the laws in the Old Testament replacing them with his ââ¬Å"new more authoritativeâ⬠teachings is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of Jesusââ¬â¢ true intentions. Jesus was actually bringing back the true message of the Old Testament Law which was made vague by mere traditions of men and their own hazy and humanistic understanding. The Lord was pointing out to His audience the glosses that were made on Mosaic laws which made the ancient commands with minimal effectivity or worse, no efficacy.Jesusââ¬â¢ example and the Phariseesââ¬â¢ are insights that can be gleaned with emphasis on the application of princip les of the Scriptures. A Christian easily becomes a legalist when his/her understanding of the Scriptures, like the Pharisees, is not based on the Scripturesââ¬â¢ intended application. There is only the possibility of communicating the proper boundaries within the set limits of the Scriptures when a Christian has grasped its clear and full implications (Clarke, 2001, Power Bible CD).In the New Testament especially in the celebrated Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7), Jesus usually referred to Himself as the authority. His declarations were not prefaced with ââ¬Å"Thus says the Lord. â⬠To His disciples, He says ââ¬Å"You have heard that it was said to those of old. . . but I say to you. . . .â⬠This clearly points to the authority on Jesus. This does not mean though that Jesus was subverting the authority of God, for He Himself was God in the flesh (Jn. 1:1-3,14); He was the second Person of the Trinity manifested in the flesh.One of the things that He was pointing out a mong others was the fact that the Pharisees of His day were in grave error following the traditions of their elders, and in this particular case, in their interpretation of many scriptures. Hence, He said, ââ¬Å"You have heard it was said. . . but now I say to you. . . .â⬠The apostles after Him followed suit. In all of their letters they derived authority from the words of Jesus. Their letters, to put it simply, were just elaborations of Christââ¬â¢s teachings (Riggs, 2nd Ed. ) ConclusionEmbracing a more Biblical approach, becoming less philosophical and laden with such themes as the absoluteness of Godââ¬â¢s sovereignty, the worldââ¬â¢s being under Godââ¬â¢s righteous judgment, Godââ¬â¢s initiative in revealing Himself and His redemptive plan in Jesus Christ, are the essential ââ¬Å"toolsâ⬠that a Biblical counselor must possess in order to present the true condition of men and persuade him/her to change. The following characteristics then must be inculc ated in a Biblical counselor 1. ) Lofty View of Holy Scriptures.This is to uphold the conviction of the reformers about the Word of God and endeavor to clarify any theological subjects in the light of the revelation that is in the Bible. Like many effective pastors or counselors, the Bible alone is authoritative for life in general. It is the rule of faith for Christians, like a solid and strong immovable post in a pier where the anchor of the ship is fastened securely. The Word of God is the object of the Christiansââ¬â¢ faith. Itââ¬â¢s not of course a matter of God versus His Word. The entire Holy Scriptures derived its authority from God.But since it was God who spoke them, Scriptures therefore are without question normative and authoritative. The Scriptures are the touchstone on which all so-called traditions, existential experiences, and reasonings must be tested. When any of these are found contrary to Godââ¬â¢s revealed will in the Scriptures, they can be discarded w ithout any scruple for the true church of Christ. According to Barth (McCormack, 1995), to interpret and apply the Bible properly, one must observe certain basic rules. And one of the basics is that the interpreter must subject himself/herself to the authority of the Bible.What is the central theme of the passage? What is its subject matter? The reader then has to subordinate his thoughts and his personal convictions to the revelation that God has provided for us in His Word ââ¬â the Bible. In fact, the ultimate goal of the counselor is to develop and establish the ââ¬Å"counseleeâ⬠for a dependence on Godââ¬â¢s word. The readerââ¬â¢s humble subjection of self to the wisdom of the Scriptures was his exercise of freedom. The result of this continual subordination is transformation. The interpreter is being transformed in the process of grasping what God has revealed.2. ) Dynamic Application of Biblical Truths. To be reverent and true to Biblical revelation, one needs not to confine himself to the lingo of the ancient cultures through which the Biblical narratives and the actual words of the prophets were written. The reader and interpreter can speak the ideas conveyed through ancient cultures in contemporary ways. Itââ¬â¢s not insubordination to teach the Bible thus. In fact, itââ¬â¢s the whole point of hermeneutics ââ¬â to bridge the wide cultural gap. To be unimaginative in oneââ¬â¢s handling of the Scriptures is tantamount to parroting mere words.There has to be fresh application if there will be change. Lack of imagination is sometimes proof of not being influenced or shaped by the ideas read. Readers have to engage and interact mentally with the passages of the Bible so that a fruitful meditation would express itself in lively and engaging discourse. 3. ) Christocentric (Christ-Centered). Jesus Christ is the primary theme of the whole Scriptures. It has been mentioned above that to Barthââ¬â¢s high view of the Bible, it was necessary for the interpreter to subordinate him/herself to particular textââ¬â¢s subject.And since, Jesus Christ is the central theme of the Bible, it is necessary to interpret Biblical passages in the light of His person. Jesus Christ is the unifying subject in all of the books of the Bible. But looking at Luke 24:27-45, and realizing that it was Jesus Himself who first advocated this methodology, it thus comes as a necessity to find the Christ in every passage of Biblical books; or at the least, sense a foreshadowing (in the Old Testament) of His coming redemptive sacrifice. Jesus alone can give unity among scriptural texts. 4. ) Passage-Based Interpretation.Karl Barth (McCormack, 1995) believes that although interpreters often bring with them their presuppositions as they approach the text, the mistake of using the Biblical text as vehicle to transmit oneââ¬â¢s belief, can be avoided through the interpreterââ¬â¢s direct encounter with the objective truth as found in the biblical passage. The real meaning or intention of the author of the text is objectively separated from the interpreter. And so, to properly apply exegetical work on the passage, a serious examination of historical background, and serious study of the textââ¬â¢s linguistic composition must be considered thoroughly.5. ) Bound By True Churchââ¬â¢s Essential and Classic Teachings. Like Apostle Paul, a counselor then must also believe that s/he is just a recipient of essential Christian teachings (1 Cor. 11:23-26). It would be sinful for him/her to doubt nor innovate on established biblical truths. Reference: Atkinson, R. L. , R. C. Atkinson, E. E Smith, D. J. Bem, and S. Nolen-Hoeksema (2000). Introduction to Psychology. 13th Ed. New York: Harcourt College Publishers. Clarke, Adam (2001). Commentary to Matthew. Power Bible CD. Corey, Gerald (2004).Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Thomson Learning, USA. Corey, Gerald (200). The Art of Integrative Counseling. A rticle 29: ââ¬Å"Designing an Integrative Approach to Counseling Practiceâ⬠Retrieved February 20, 2009 in < http://counselingoutfitters. com/vistas/vistas04/29. pdf> Crabb, Larry (2000). Found in Anderson et al resource. Christ-centered therapy. http://books. google. com/books? id=Rn- f2zL01ZwC&pg=PA11&lpg=PA11&dq=effective+biblical+counseling+by+larry+crabb +critique&source=web&ots=WFVYLIqP1n&sig=MqIhqE_XfGzIQODAKV5iMPjqz14# PPA19,M1Davison, Gerald C. and John M. Neale (2001). Abnormal Psychology. Eighth ed. John & Wiley Sons, Inc. Ellis, Albert (2001. Overcoming Destructive Beliefs, Feelings, and Behaviors: New Directions for Rational E)motive Behavior Therapy. Prometheus Books Kaplan, HI, BJ Saddock and JA Grebb (1994). Kaplan and Saddockââ¬â¢s Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences clinical psychiatry. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. MacArthur, John (2008). Abandoned By God. Date Accessed: February 19, 2009. http://www. gty. org/Resources/Transcripts/45-14 McCorm ack, Bruce L. (1995).Karl Barthââ¬â¢s Critically Realistic Dialectical Theology. Published by Oxford University Press Inc. , New York. Pokrifka-Joe, Todd (2002). Appropriating Karl Barth's Theological Use of Scripture in Contemporary Theology. Proposed Doctoral Thesis in Theology at the University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK. Date Accessed: February 17, 2009 at http://www. luthersem. edu/ctrf/Papers/2001_Pokrifka-Joe. htm Riggs, Ralph. The Life of Christ. 2nd ed. Scripture Quotations from New King James Bible (The Holy Bible, New King James Version. 1982). Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Political Risk in Venezuela
The political climate in Venezuela is very unsettled, this is because of the course of action the president decides to take. However the biggest risk is to industry ââ¬âtype companyââ¬â¢s that have major operations in Venezuela. This is exemplified in the operations of foreign oil companies and mining companies with operation in or with Venezuela. The greatest risk in conducting business is straightforward expropriation. Another major risk that foreign companies face while operating in Venezuela is increased income tax. The tax rates tend to be subjective and can change depending on the revenue and size (growth) of the company. The largest risk facing any foreign company such as the proposed from class is converting the local currency (Bolivar) to outside currency. This is mainly because of the bureaucracy involved exchanging the currency, which is governed by the Central Bank of Venezuela and the National Exchange Control Administration. This is especially applicable to the U. S. currency because of current relations. * The additional expenditures accumulate because of time and resources required to transfer money abroad. Venezuela's democracy is broken according to the standards of the OAS Inter-American Democratic Charter. This may mean that changes to the political climate to further burden the operations of business will prove to be futile. Living Conditions Venezuela has a national poverty percentage of 52% according to the World Bank. There is considerable income inequality, especially in densely populated areas. This becomes a concern because Venezuela has had massive economic growth compared to historical percentages. The unemployment rate is 6. 6% at the year-end of 2009. This is considered to be low when factoring in that many people engage in subsistence farming and small-scale trade, which is not considered part of the unemployment count. There is a large gap in income where the population is considerably wealthy or poor to very poor. The population averages out to upper middle class income. The World Bank states that the GNI per capita in Venezuela is $12,370 USD in 2009 (The World Bank). However with 95% literacy rate we can deduce that many Venezuelans are well educated. This widens the market segment for products that involve interaction with the individual. One such example would be exercise products that come with routines by book and/or video. Inner city residents live in apartments, condominiums and small houses, which are in close proximity. The cost of living increases closer to the city center especially in large cities such as Caracas. The inner city residents are mostly middle class to upper middle class. Upper class Venezuelans live outside the city usually in the hills in gated communities. The lower class lives in slums located in the perimeter of the cities and use public transportation to go to the city center. The lower class may also live on estates and work for the upper class in large numbers especially on large farms. Reference
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